
One-Time Historical Appraisal Waiver File Now Available

March 6, 2020

As announced on March 5, 2020, Fannie Mae is releasing a one-time file that provides the Property Valuation Method attribute for all loans in pools with issue dates of January 1, 2017 through February 1, 2020, irrespective of their current status.

Click here for the file or see the helpful links section in PoolTalk®.

The file is pipe delimited and contains the following attributes:

Attribute Name Attribute Definition Data Type Max Length
Loan Identifier The unique designation assigned to the loan by the issuer. String 12
CUSIP The unique designation assigned to the security by the Committee on Uniform Securities Identification Procedures (CUSIP). String 9
Security Identifier The unique designation assigned to the security by the issuer. String 6
Property Valuation Method The method by which the value of the subject property was obtained. String 1

The Property Valuation Method FAQs and the Single-Family MBS Disclosures Guide provide additional details related to the new Property Valuation Method disclosure attribute, including enumerations, definitions, and file format specifications.

For questions, please contact the Fannie Mae Investor Help Line at 1-800-232-6643, Option 3, or by e-mail.