Fannie Mae Enhances its Credit Risk Sharing Resources for Investors
October 24, 2016
Fannie Mae is proud to be the leading single-family residential credit risk manager in the industry. As the market standard-setter, we manage credit risk throughout the entire lifecycle of a loan. Our comprehensive approach has enabled us to build a market for single-family mortgage credit. As we continue to grow this market, we know investors want real-time updates and additional transparency. As a result, we have enhanced our credit risk sharing web pages to provide investors with further access to news, resources, and analytics.
- Our Commentary and News page provides you with one-stop access to news and information about our credit risk sharing programs and allows you to sign-up for email updates to have news delivered directly to your inbox.
- Our Credit Risk Management page provides detailed information into Fannie Mae’s cutting-edge tools and processes for managing single-family residential credit risk.
- Access our comprehensive presentation that explains how Fannie Mae manages credit risk on the largest single-family credit book of business in the industry
- Watch videos that provide insight into our suite of analytical tools that mitigate the risk on loans we acquire and, if necessary, help to dispose of properties at the best possible price
- Review Fannie Mae’s consolidated third-party due diligence results in one easy to access location
- Data Dynamics, Fannie Mae’s new analytics tool, enables market participants to analyze both CAS deals that are currently outstanding in the market and Fannie Mae’s comprehensive historical loan dataset of over 23 million loans. Log in and access a wealth of data on the program.
To learn more about our new web pages or if you’re an institutional investor who wants to meet and discuss our programs, contact us at 1-800-2-FANNIE, Option 2 or via this link.
Originally published: 10/24/16