Structured Transactions Products


Fannie Mae UMBS® and MBS offer investors high-quality assets with attractive yields to fit various portfolio needs or investment strategies.

Investors should exercise care to fully understand the value of any mortgage-backed investment and diligently review the applicable disclosure documents. Investors may want to work with their investment advisors to discuss the potential risks versus rewards of investing in UMBS and MBS.

Fannie Mae guarantees investors timely payments of principal and interest.

  • The payments of principal and interest on the certificates are not guaranteed by the United States and do not constitute a debt or obligation of the United States or any of its agencies or instrumentalities other than Fannie Mae.
  • Fannie Mae uses prudent underwriting guidelines to ensure the credit quality of the loans it guarantees.

Our Products

Additional Information

MEGA/SUPERS screenshot
Structured Transactions Portal

Fannie Mae's web-based application enables authorized dealers to create structured products and manage settlements. Contact Structured Transactions for more information.

People in office viewing computer screens
Basics of Structured Transactions

Read more about Fannie Mae's Structured Product offerings and resources for investors.


Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) Financing
Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSR) Financing

Fannie Mae's Servicing Guide allows servicers to pledge their Fannie Mae Mortgage Servicing Rights (MSRs) to a secured party as collateral for a financing facility or to transfer a portion of their contractual interest in their servicing income to a third party for an upfront payment. Click here for more information.

Other Resources


PoolTalk Colored Block

For Single-Family securities, access disclosure data, including at-issuance and monthly data, Legal documents, consumable data files and search capabilities for UMBS, MBS, Supers®/Megas, SMBS, and REMICs. Click here to access.


dus disclose in teal box

For Multifamily securities, access disclosure data, including at-issuance and monthly data, Legal documents, consumable data files and search capabilities for MBS, Megas, and REMICs. Click here to access.

Data Document Collections

Fannie Mae GeMS  Legal Documents

Quick Securities Locator

Search for disclosure and related documents for a security. Search by:

  • Security Identifier (e.g., BD3584)
  • CUSIP (e.g., 3140FA6Z0)
  • Trust Identifier (e.g., 2019-005, TR000425)