
Retirement of Non-Standard Legacy REMIC Reports

December 15, 2020

Fannie Mae is simplifying the disclosure reporting in PoolTalk® related to legacy non-standard REMICs, as the population of these securities pays off. These REMIC deals did not transition to Common Securitization Solutions (CSS) and are not in the GSE-aligned format. Our goal is to retire the following reports by February 2021:

Business Name File Name Location
No Delay Floater Reset File NODELAY_YYYYMM.TXT •SFTP

•PoolTalk - Files & Reports Section
REMIC Collateral (RC) Loan Level File RC_ YYYYMM.ZIP •SFTP

•PoolTalk - Files & Reports Section
Remittance Report DEAL_YYYYMM_SUMMARY.PDF •PoolTalk - Deal Section

•PoolTalk - Files & Reports Section

•PoolTalk - Files & Reports Section
WAS REMIC - Deal Level File DEAL #_YYYYMM_DLS.PDF •PoolTalk - Deal Section
WAS REMIC - Loan Level File DEAL#_YYYYMM_LL.ZIP •PoolTalk - Deal Section
WAS REMIC - Summary Report DEAL#_YYYYMM__LLS.PDF •PoolTalk - Deal Section
WAS Whole Loan & SMBS Pseudo Pool Report WLPsuedo_YYYYMM.TXT •PoolTalk - Files & Reports Section

For questions, please contact the Fannie Mae Investor Help Line at 1-800-232-6643, Option 3 or by e-mail.