Fannie Mae Publishes 2019 Holiday Calendar and Disclosure Publication Schedule
The calendar below outlines Fannie Mae's disclosure publication schedule when publication dates fall on a Federal Reserve observed holiday. The schedule includes Fannie Mae's daily at-issuance files as well as its ongoing files. Please note that this calendar assumes the successful implementation of CSS in June 2019. This is available on the Mortgage-Backed Securities page under Reference Documents.
Please note that Fannie Mae at-issuance files (i.e., New Issues Pool Statistics (NIPS), New Issues Mega Statistics (NIMS), Loan-Level Disclosure (LLD), and MF Daily New Issuance File) will not be published the day after a holiday, with the exception of the day after Columbus Day.*
*Upon the successful implementation of Single Security in June 2019, Single-Family files will be published on the following business day. The Single-Family files will observe the Federal Reserve Board's calendar to determine business days.
2019 Business Day 4 and Business Day 6 Publication Schedule
**Upon the successful implementation of Single Security in June 2019, these dates will only be applicable to Multifamily files beginning in the month of June.
For additional Multifamily disclosure dates please click here.