Fannie Mae Clarifies Q4 2021 SEC Form ABS-15G Report
Fannie Mae files quarterly reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to comply with Rule 15Ga-1, which requires securitizers of asset-backed securities to disclose fulfilled and unfulfilled repurchase requests. Fannie Mae's report for the fourth quarter of 2021 was published on February 10, 2022. There was no multifamily repurchase activity during the fourth quarter of 2021. However, repurchase activity and other multifamily loan level data was defaulted to "N/A" for each multifamily CUSIP. For these multifamily securities, we intend to file an amended report with the SEC by the end of March with corrected values, including "$0.00" in multifamily repurchase activity for the fourth quarter of 2021.
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