
Fannie Mae Changes the Timing of Certain Monthly MBS Disclosures

October 31, 2016


Beginning in March 2017, Fannie Mae will start to provide certain Single-Family and Multifamily Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) disclosure files (monthly files) earlier in the month. Currently, the monthly files are available on the fourth business day (BD4) and the eighth business day (BD8) of every month. In March 2017, the monthly files published on BD8 will move to BD4 or the sixth business day (BD6).

The following table illustrates the current publication schedule and the publication schedule beginning in March 2017 for the monthly files.

  Changing? Current Publication Day Future Publication Day
MBS Stats (Single-Family/Multifamily) No BD4, after 4:30 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm
Fixed - Rate Quartile (Single-Family/Multifamily) No BD4, after 4:30 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm
ARM Stats (Single-Family/Multifamily) Yes BD8, after 4:30 pm BD6, after 4:30 pm*
Geo Stats (Single-Family/Multifamily) Yes BD8, after 4:30 pm BD6, after 4:30 pm*
Adjustable - Rate Quartile (Single-Family/Multifamily) Yes BD8, after 4:30 pm BD6, after 4:30 pm*
Supplemental (Single-Family Only) Yes BD8, after 4:30 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm*
Interest Only (Single-Family Only) Yes BD8, after 4:30 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm*
DMBS Stats (Multifamily Only) No BD4, after 4:30 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm
Loan Level Disclosure (Single-Family Only) Yes BD8, after 7:00 pm BD4, after 4:30 pm*
* Represents publication day change      

The change in the timing of publishing the monthly files will also result in a few enhancements:

  • The MBS Stats file will now include the Actual/360 pass-thru-rate (PTR) for Fannie Mae Multifamily MBS and Megas, which will result in the retirement of the Actual/360 Fixed-Rate Mega and Actual/360 Adjustable-Rate Mortgage (ARM) MBS file.
  • The Fixed-Rate Quartile file will be available for all Single-Family fixed-rate MBS beginning the month after issuance.
  • Due to the declining population of Deferred Interest MBS, the Deferred Interest Factor file currently published on will be retired.

For any questions, please contact the Fannie Mae Investor Help Line at 1-800-232-6643, Option 2 or by e-mail.

Originally published: 10/31/16