Fannie Mae Releases Projected Environmental and Social Impacts for 2021 Green and Social Bonds
To provide investors with continued transparency into the environmental and social impacts of our green and social bonds, Fannie Mae has released projected cumulative and one-year impacts of Multifamily green and social bonds and Single-Family green bonds issued in 2021. Since inception, the green and social bond program projected cumulative impacts include an average utility cost savings of $265 per single-family home per year and an average utility cost savings of $186 per multifamily household per year.
View our 2012-2021 Projected Impact Metrics
Accompanying these highlights is a CUSIP-level workbook that breaks down the projected environmental and social impacts at issuance for each Multifamily security and environmental impacts at issuance for each Single-Family security. This file is cumulative for green and social bonds issued 2012-2021.1
For more on our green and social bonds and their impacts, visit our Sustainable Bonds webpage and our 2020 Green Bond Impact Report.
1 The 2020 Single-Family Green MBS impact metrics have been revised since initial publication in the 2020 Green Bond Impact Report with updated Estimated Annual Energy Savings and Estimated Annual Emissions Savings to reflect the corrected gross living area of the property.